
This animation environment for direct optimization methods comprises three different parts: The left frame allows the user to switch between the different parts of our animation environment.

Animation Part

The animation environment was specifically developed to visualize the search process of direct optimization algorithms. At the moment the probabilistic search process of Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing can be visualized. The task of the optimization algorithms is to maximize a 2-dimensional goal function. This version of our animation environment allows to select between 11 functions. The colored square on the right shows a density plot of the selected goal function being the playing ground for the optimization algorithm. In the text area on the left detailed information about the current state of the optimization process is presented. The animation can be controlled by the following buttons: The optimized goal function and the animated optimization algorithm can be changed using the two choice menus in the middle of the animation part. With the scrolling lists on the right it is possible to vary the shape and color of the search points which are painted on the density plot (double-click on the items).

Genetic Algorithms

Genetic Algorithms represent a very common and wide-spread probabilistic search method. In the following some fundamentals of Genetic Algorithms are described. This class of algorithms which is based on the principles of natural evolution maintains a
P(t) = {s1t,s2t,...,snt}
of individuals sjt, jÎ{1,...,n}; t,nÎN. Each individual sjt is implemented as a fixed-length binary string (a so-called chromosome) and represents a potential solution of the optimization problem which has to be solved. In case of real parameter optimization the binary string is locally divided into segments, each containing the binary code of the corresponding parameter value. The upper t represents the iteration step (actual generation). The goal of the Genetic Algorithm is to evolve through alternation in generations towards better and better regions of the search space. The alternation is done by application of probabilistic genetic operators (selection, crossover, and mutation). With selection poor solutions (individuals with low fitness) are sorted out of a population. For that reason, this operator can be viewed as an artificial version of natural selection (a realization of the Darwinian principle "survival of the fittest" among string creatures). The fitness of an individual is calculated by evaluation of the goal function of the optimization problem. After selection the probabilistic recombination operators crossover and mutation are applied to generate new solutions for the next generation of individuals which is evaluated again in the subsequent iteration step. The basic structure of a Genetic Algorithm is shown below.
procedure Genetic Algorithm;


t := 0;
initialize P(t);
evaluate P(t);
while (not termination-condition) do
t := t+1;
select P(t) from P(t-1);
recombine P(t);
evaluate P(t);

Basic structure of a Genetic Algorithm

The implementation of the Genetic Algorithm used in our animation environment for the most part agrees with the Simple Genetic Algorithm presented in Goldberg, D.E.: Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning; Addison-Wesley, 1989. In order to ensure an easy and informative observation of the evolving data structure of the Genetic Algorithm, the computed populations are plotted separately and not altogether onto the density plot. The entire optimization trajectory can be examined by pressing the "Comparison" button. The little cross represents the individual with the best goal function value of the current population. When the elitist strategy check box is selected, the search point with the best goal function value found in the previous population survives in any case and is put into the next population. Otherwise it may happen that this point is not selected into the next population and gets lost.

Simulated Annealing

The concept of Simulated Annealing, which also represents a direct probabilistic search algorithm, is based on a strong analogy between the physical annealing process of solids and the problem of solving complex combinatorial optimization problems. The goal of the physical annealing process is to obtain low energy states of a solid in a heat bath. To reach this goal the first step is to increase the temperature of the heat bath to a maximum value at which the solid melts. Then the temperature of the heat bath is decreased carefully until the particles arrange themselves in the ground state of the solid, where the energy of the system is minimal. The ground state of the solid is obtained only if the maximum temperature is sufficiently high and the subsequent cooling is done sufficiently slow. Otherwise the solid will be frozen into a meta-stable state rather than into the ground state where the particles are arranged in a perfect structured lattice. In the early 1980's the concept of physical annealing was introduced in combinatorial optimization. The equivalencies are the following: The basic structure of the resulting Simulated Annealing algorithm is shown below.
procedure Simulated Annealing;


initialize (xstart;T0,L0);
k := 0;
x := xstart;
for l := 1 to Lk do
generate (y from neighborhoodx);
if F(y) >= F(x) then x := y;
if exp((F(y)-F(x))/Tk) > random[0,1] then x := y;
k := k+1;
until stop_criterion;
xstart: starting point
k: temperature level
T0: initial temperature
Calculation of Tk: Tk := (Tk-1 - s) * m,   with kÎN+; s,mÎR
L0: number of state transitions at temperature T0
Calculation of Lk: Lk := round(Lk-1 * exp(k*ln(p))),   with kÎN+; pÎR
F: optimized goal function
x,y: possible solutions of the optimization problem

Basic structure of Simulated Annealing

The Simulated Annealing algorithm shown above represents an iterative process consisting of an inner and an outer loop (homogeneous Simulated Annealing). Within the outer loop the temperature T is cooled down. At temperature level Tk the inner loop performs Lk transitions. A transition is a combined action resulting in the transformation of a current solution into a subsequent one. A transition consists of the following two steps: In contrary to conventional local Hill-Climbing algorithms, which only accept better solutions, Simulated Annealing also accepts deteriorations in cost. This is exactly the property that enables Simulated Annealing to escape from local extreme points. At large temperature values, large deteriorations are accepted. With a decrease of T only smaller deteriorations are accepted. Finally, as the temperature approaches 0, no deteriorations are accepted at all and Simulated Annealing behaves like a conventional local search method.

For representation of the solutions of the processed optimization problems we have retained the data structure of the Genetic Algorithm because that way, the definition of diverse neighboring structures becomes very easy. We have implemented three different possibilities for computing neighboring solutions:

The radio buttons in the adjustment window of the Simulated Annealing algorithm enable the user to select one of the neighborhood structures presented above. When the elitist strategy check box is selected, the inner loop starts at the best point found during the previous temperature level. Otherwise the last point computed in the previous inner loop is chosen as the next starting point. Similar to population-based Genetic Algorithms described above, the optimization trajectory of the Simulated Annealing algorithm is not plotted altogether onto the density plot during animation. To make the observation of this algorithm easy and informative the transitions of each temperature level are plotted separately. The sequence of the computed transitions can be recognized by following the lines which are drawn between the single search points. The search point with the best goal function value found during the previous temperature level as well as all the improvements of this search points achieved at the current temperature level are marked with a little cross.

More details about Simulated Annealing can be found in Aarts, E.; Korst, J.: Simulated Annealing and Boltzmann Machines; Wiley, 1990.